Napište nám

Chcete něco napsat Vy nám?

Máte možnost přímo zde nebo pod jednotlivými příspěvky ve všech rubrikách Aktuálně a také u příspěvků pod sekcí Jak to vidím já..


7 Responses to Napište nám

  1. Avatar Monika Goldová
    Monika Goldová says:

    Dobrý den,chtěla jsem se zeptat ,zda je ještě volné štěnatko?

  2. Avatar Babett Móri
    Babett Móri says:

    Hallo, sind die Welpen noch da? Ich habe Interesse.
    Ich habe 9 Jahre einen Wolfhund gehabt.
    Liebe Grüße
    Babett Móri

  3. Avatar admin
    admin says:

    Thank you Babett I’ve send you an e-mail.

  4. Avatar admin
    admin says:

    Dobrý den, zatím asi ještě ano – oranžová holčička Arista.

  5. Avatar Anonym
    Anonym says:

    I am interested in the saarloos wolfdog. I am from Slovenia, living in a small village with my wife and 2 kids. We have a big yard behind the house perfect for a dog.

    We are looking for the puppies if they are available and what is the price. If not do you perhaps know someone who have them available.
    With kind regards!
    Zdravko Marko

  6. Avatar Marko
    Marko says:

    I am interested in the saarloos wolfdog. I am from Slovenia, living in a small village with my wife and 2 kids. We have a big yard behind the house perfect for a dog.

    We are looking for the puppies if they are available and what is the price. If not do you perhaps know someone who have them available.
    With kind regards!
    Zdravko Marko

  7. Avatar admin
    admin says:

    Thank you for your interest, you have an e-mail :-).